The Personal Touch
Navigating post-16 education can be challenging and it is by no means a ‘one-size fits all’ approach. It is for this reason that we approach things in a different way. We offer bespoke pathways that enable you to achieve and progress.

Courses on offer
Our aim is to provide you with the broadest choice of subjects from our best providers. You can click on the buttons below to see the full range of courses that we offer.
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Key Stage 5
Our offer is bespoke. We know what we are good at and we focus on that.
- Our business provision at both A-level and BTEC regularly sees our results in the top 20% of schools nationally.
- We have a fantastic humanities and social science offer in which students benefit from small class sizes.
- We have computing courses at both A-level and BTEC that are delivered by subject specialist teachers.
- We have industry experts teaching courses in digital and games design (this is incredibly rare for a Sixth Form.
Specific subject offerings do vary from year to year depending primarily on where we feel we have ‘subject excellence’ and the requirements of our students.
The majority of students study three courses for the duration of their two year programme of study. Through careful transition work students may opt to ‘try’ subjects for a short period at the beginning of Year 12. We also hold ‘entry assessments’ in the first three weeks of our courses to ensure that students are placed on suitable courses. There are a number of different pathways that students can select from to suit their academic ability.
Students sit regular assessments that we refer to as ‘portfolios’. These are designed to support students in preparing for terminal examinations by regularly requiring students to collate their notes and test their knowledge. In class intervention and adaptive teaching are key to ensuring that learners needs are met. Students underachieving across two or three subjects are assigned to additional study groups for further support.
In addition to our taught curriculum students have periods of Independent Study (supervised periods for independent work). We expect that for each hour of direct teaching the student receives they should be dedicating an hour of their time outside of class to consolidate and extend their understanding.
Further pastoral support, including CEIAG is delivered through our Employer Engagement programme in Year 12 and through Future in Year 13.
PSHE is delivered through weekly tutor periods.